Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We got back from Regina last night and we had so much fun. But I will post about that later. For now I wanted to post this picture.

Evan received Pokemon coloring pages for Christmas and has been coloring and cutting them out all week. He is very proud of them and so he should be. As you can see they are adorable. Then the other day I saw this drawing Mikayla made of one of them. I was impressed, especially with the facial expression.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Making an effort to grow.

I have been growing spiritually over the past year. I do not usually mention this because my faith is new. I feel the need to protect it, for it is too precious to treat carelessly. Often I will read a blog and it will speak to me. I don't want to forget the truth that these posts brought, but my memory is not the greatest. In an effort not to lose what I have found I am going to link my favorite post of the week. Something that speaks to me spiritually. My link today is to a post on patience/gratitude. It has made me take a deeper look at my life and realize that I have so much to be grateful for.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Day on the Job

The windchill was -45 and their paper route is long, but take a look at their proud faces.
Who could ask for more.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Meet Claire

I have wanted to make room in my life for more I that love. In my quest I stumbled on Dawn's file crate system. I am searching for a way to organize my thoughts, plans and responsibilities. I spend far too much time planning and re-planning my days. I believe that I may have found a system that will work for me. But despite the impression I may give, I am not one to jump into something. After pondering the idea I mentioned it to Sarah, lo and behold she had been thinking of trying the very same thing. Inspired we headed out to Staples. A few days later my kids wanted a playdate with her kids, giving us the perfect opportunity to compare our file crates and share ideas.

Isn't my file crate cute? I have grown quite fond of her.
So I decided to give her a name, meet Claire.
(a.k.a. "Claire" from the Rheostatics)
There is a line in that song
"let me see you save a mind that isn't there.....".
I feel that sums up my hopes.

Anyway, I wondered onto Sarah's blog the other day. She posted about our crate's playdate.
She has come up with many great ways to use her system. I may have to steal some of her ideas. So far I have used Claire to tame the paper clutter beast I created in the last five years. I own two address books but I could never find an address when I needed one. Now I will have one address book and it has a home.

I have made myself a weekly planner. This has already saved me from forgetting to renew my license, and it gives me peace of mind to know that everyone's birthday and anniversary is right there where I can not lose it. Just this afternoon I jotted down our confirmation # for the hotel in Regina. I don't need to think about it again I'll know where it is when I need it.

I also created a household binder. So far it holds my weekly menu plans, the recipes for each week, and all our contacts. It will eventually keep my daily, weekly and seasonal chores, our homeschool schedual, the kids chore charts, and gift ideas as well.

I have a daily clip board where currently holds today's recipes, history handouts, a science experiment, a french game and a todo list for the day.

I have used my file crate to place things to sort for the weeks to come. Homeschool ideas for next month have been thrown into the last folder of this month. The front ideas folder of this month holds two sheets for the Precambrian Period, we were studying this but decided to put it on hold while we focused on magnetism. There is a slip with a web site I need to check into before the kids doctors appointment on the January 27th, as well as a few sheets on attachment parenting. I have wanted to turn my rambling thoughts from the parenting course I took into a few words of inspiration. I intend to print these inspiration thoughts and put them up to remind me through the day.

As unwieldy as my system may seem it has already given me peace of mind. I don't have to remember everything I have Claire to take care of that ; )

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hair on Fire!

So I was listening to Stewart McLean's Vinyl Cafe on CBC last night. All the people that helped to produce the show had the chance to share embarrassing stories of Stewart and a song they love. I wish I could remember who recommended the song New Goodbye by Hey Rosetta, but she said it was so good that by the end she wanted to light her hair on fire. I concur.

Click on the Music button and then on the song New Goodbye.

Go have a listen ; )

P.S. It is more flame producing if you read the lyrics.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blinded by Science

Today was the first week back after a three week hiatus.
The kids were so excited about the treasure hunt I had planned for the afternoon.

Mikayla and Aidan got right to work and finished all their homeschooling in the morning.
Evan was great once I remembered that he can only hold one direction in his head at once.

I was going to send the kids outside after lunch but then I read Cheryl's blog about the -50 windchill.

No I am not exaggerating. We were the coldest place on the planet this morning. Yay us!

What do you do when the windchill is below -50?

We have a treasure hunt. Sarah told me about one she had a few weeks ago and I thought it would be a great way to introduce our science kits.

This week is magnetism.

We did three experiments and then each of the kids read.
They loved it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Menu Fun

I have been making weekly menus for a while, I find that they make my life much easier.

Then I thought why not post them. If I put them up here they are easy for me to change and I can not lose them.

Week 1

  1. oatmeal and jam
  2. oatmeal and frozen berries with yogurt
  3. cereal
  4. instant flavoured oatmeal for kids

  1. homemade chicken and rice soup
  2. healthy greak salad on pitas
  3. vegetable soup and toast
  4. eggsalad sandwiches veggies and dip

  1. honey baked lentils and brown rice, fruit for dessert
  2. spaghetti sauce on whole wheat noodles with large salad
  3. roast chicken with rosemary potato wedges and corn
  4. meatloaf, baked potatoes and carrots
  5. homemade pizza on pitas and salad

Week 2

  1. oatmeal and jam
  2. oatmeal and frozen berries with yogurt
  3. cereal
  4. instant flavoured oatmeal for kids

  1. chickpea couscous salad
  2. beef barley soup
  3. split pea and barley soup with fruit
  4. eggsalad sandwiches and fruit

  1. roast, baked potaoes and corn
  2. chick pea orzo pilaf and fruit
  3. chicken stirfry
  4. meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn
  5. homemade pizza pitas with salad

Week 3

  1. oatmeal and jam
  2. oatmeal and frozen berries with yogurt
  3. cereal
  4. instant flavoured oatmeal for kids

  1. package soup mix
  2. eggsalad sandwiches and fruit
  3. beef vegetable soup
  4. vegetable soup

  1. orange ginger pork with brown rice
  2. Silvia's chicken on noodles
  3. eggs and potato wedges with fruit
  4. spaghetti and salad
  5. homemade pita pizzas and salad

It is almost time...............

Monday we start homeschooling again.

So here is the plan.................

Monday through Thursday

Mornings will begin with a reading, I got a great book for Christmas.

Then the kids will start their morning lessons.
I made each of them an index card of what needs to be done.
This works really well, the kids like the freedom and I like that I can focus on one child at a time. I arrange their lessons so that know one needs me or the computer at the same time.
Then the kids head outside while I make lunch.

In the afternoon we have a few options depending on our interests.
  1. art lessons / art history
  2. Real-Science-4-Kids
  3. jogging
  4. history (currently we are studying the Precambrian Period)
  5. science experiments
  6. IEW


Reading/Poetry(with sugary tea)
Nature Study Field Trip

History at Sarah's
Homeschool Group

Well that all folks!

I just need to remember my priorities.

Homeschool should aid our growth individually and as family.

If I focus on our to do lists I miss the point.