Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Craft Night Bliss

I was made aware of a serious omission on my part. When I was mentioning what was beautiful yesterday, I failed to mention the amazing group of ladies coming over. Last night I hosted our weekly craft night. It was lovely. Friends bonding over knitting and card making. I believe there might have even been singing. We were only drinking tea or coffee, but a group of mothers out late with only grown ups to talk to ........ well we can get a little giddy. So to the great ladies that I failed to include in my post, you too were a big part of yesterday's beauty ; )

Monday, November 24, 2008

And Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program

After a week of crafting we were already to get back to normal. The kids got so much done! Their Christmas crafts are almost complete. I was not as efficient with my time, but two of three children are now sporting beautiful toques.

This morning we completed our book and computer work, had our lunch, and then headed outside for nature study. The weather was beautiful. At first Evan claimed that there is no nature in winter, and then we went outside and discovered for ourselves. Evan was the one to spot an abandoned bee hive. The bottom had broken off and you could see the honeycomb. We observed the color of snow in sunlight and in shadow, made numerous fake animal prints, and spotted some real ones, we felt the inside of a tree where the bark had separated. We listened to black-capped chickadees that a couple we met on our walk identified it for us. We sat in our favorite spot to draw, which wasn't as private now that it has lost its leaves. Then we headed back home. Now the meatloaf is cooking, the kids have wandered off to play, and I am recording what was beautiful in our day. I hope everyone else has had a great day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I corrected the first link, it now links to all her advent ideas.

Well I am looking into ways to celebrate Advent with the kids this year and found a great resource at By Sun and Candlelight. She rocks! So instead of not knowing what to do, now I have to choose what I want to do most. She has great ideas here and here as well. But if anyone else has favorite Advent traditions please pass them along.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Crafting Week!

Well we have started are Christmas craft week off with a resounding bang a.k.a.(puttering around making tea and plans). Some craft ideas are well on their way, while others were put on hold. The kids dreamed up new plans and couldn't wait to start them. If the rest of the week is as productive (and exciting) as today we will want to do this again very soon : )

We would show you more but well you know.....................

Monday, November 10, 2008

In your face snow!

It is cold outside. Yes the snow glitters in the sun bla, bla ,bla.... but it is also cold, and we are sick. So today I had a show down with the outwear clothing stores in Brandon. I would not give up, my children would have warm coats and ski pants by the end of the day. Winners saved the day. Thank you Winners for carrying warm outerwear. So now we will be prepared to face the cold, as soon as I find touques, mitts and scarves....... But fear not I have a basement full of them. For anyone else not yet ready for the cold, head to Winners and you too can be a winner in the quest for outerwear ;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Felt Landscapes

The kids are sick today, so I have decided to make it a story/craft day. While the kids are reading and building block towers I thought that I would post the link to the felted jungle. We are thinking of doing these for Christmas gifts.

P. S. I was just surfing and stumbled on yarn balls as well. I think that we will have to try this to.

I hope that everyone is having a great day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boy Digs Hole

That's my boy.
M and A are sick today. So after a morning of learning they curled up to listen to Jim Weiss will E headed outside to play. Oh, to see through the eyes of a child again.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A day for rest.

Tomorrow is our rest day. I have been have been working my butt off all week in anticipation of this day. No shopping, no lists, no guilt just a chance to experience the day as it unfolds. I am looking forward to the possibilities of knitting, hot coffee/tea, phone calls with friends/family, crafting and walking with the kids. But best of all, a day without shoulding. Have a great Sunday and I'll see you all on Monday!