Sunday, June 20, 2010

Attempt Number Two

I am going to try to recreate our missing year in a few quick posts.
I am not the kind of person to have a blog.
That has probably become obvious with my erratic posts.

But I miss a few blogs I used to read. They inspire and remind me why I do, what I do. Also, I miss keeping track of our life. Something beautiful is captured when I blog our days. I see the grace where I otherwise see lists done and undone. So here is our year in review.

Sally my sponsor and all around wonderful lady made this Easter treat for my children. It is a doll with a hard boiled egg inside. I can't remember the name of it.

What did my children think of it?

That would be three thumbs up.

During this time baby number four was busy growing and getting ready for her big debut.
Morning sickness does not fit what women really go through.
Thank you April for your advice. I talked with Ann my midwife, and the pills really helped.